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The Hot Seat

As you read information about the Wairau Incident and the events that took place think about the various people who played a part in this historical event. Ask yourself some simple questions: What do you think they wanted? What motivated them to act or behave in the way that they did? What did they think about the other group? You are going to be put in the "hot seat". In other words, you are going to be put in that person's shoes. Based on the information that you have read about the incident at Tuamarina- you will be ONE of the people who was present at the incident and you will try and explain (write about) the event from your own perspective. Perspectives in history are really important. For example- who do you think was 'blamed' for the things that took place there at the time? Who would have written the newspapers that published the events? What language were the newspapers printed in? Would settlers have seen the incident from the perspective of the...

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