Wairau- where?

If you have caught the ferry from Picton to Wellington- then you have travelled past the place where the Wairau Incident took place. It happened on the 17 June, 1843 at a place called Tuamarina. (It is sometimes spelled Tua Marina but the actual Maori name is Tuamarino). The 'incident' itself took place on the banks of the Tuamarina river which runs into the nearby Wairau river. Tuamarina is about 10 kilometres away from Blenheim and about 18 kilometres from Picton. A memorial to the Europeans killed was unveiled in 1869 at Tuamarina Cemetery, where it still stands on a spur above the stream that was for many years known as 'Massacre Hill'. It was erected at the initiative of Edward Jerningham Wakefield, whose uncle Arthur had died in the incident.


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